lørdag den 12. juni 2010

ShareCash Business

Most of you probaly know the site Sharecash or if you dont, then its a paid to upload site where they pay you between 40-80 cents per download you get! that a lot of money for just one download, thats why its so popular.

Ok so you saw right it said Business in the title and yes im going to offer you a little job ;)
Ok so the thing is im willing to offer you 30 cent to download from me its simple 1kb txt files with a little code in you need to send to me to be approved to get paid, if the download turns out to be bad im not able to pay you because i dont get any money then.

So you can earn 30 cent per download if you just download a file now and then.
If you download 10 files in one day you get a bonus so you will be paid 3.20$ instead of just 3$
If you download 20 files in one day i'll pay you  6.50$
(Prices might change if sharecash increase the pay rate or if you are a loyal customer)
Each file will only count once so you cant just download the same 20 times and think you get 6.50$ 

If you are not from US, UK, Canada or Australia then might the pay rate be lower because they pay less for downloads from other countries. 

If you dont trust me and thinks its a scam then try mail me: mtk_power@hotmail.com
to get a link for a download and send the code to me and your ip address I need it to check if your download is approved and you paypal so I can send you the payment.

5 first downloads:

Link 1
Link 2
Link 3
Link 4
Link 5

Mail me for more links :)

Request payment form:

Paypal ID: paypal@whatever.com
Codes from downloads: 123456
Country: Earth

And send it to MTK_power@hotmail.com :)
I may ask for IP because sometimes downloads turn bad and they are told in IPs ;) im not a hacker